Call of God
From "SHARING" #001, April 1995

I recently received a solicitation for a contribution from the Servants of the Paraclete which contained an article entitled The Baffling Call of God by Liam J. Hoare, s.P.  I was sufficiently impressed with what he had to write, I would like to share some excerpts from his letter. 

"As we enter the holy season of Lent, it becomes clear. there is no way around it.  The cross does not mark the road, it IS the road to new life in Christ.  Jesus' life was an absolute failure from every standpoint but God's.  What seemed failure from a human standpoint was a tremendous triumph from God's.  The baffling call in our own lives will often lead us to a point where we are apt to say, 'What am I doing here?' or 'Why me lord?'.  Such reactions and questions are not only normal and understandable, they can be prayerful.  As some of our own purposes and dreams are shattered, we are forced to go deeper and deeper into the mystery of Life in Christ.  We cannot avoid the cross . . .   . . . It's a crucifixion.  And one look at the cross is more instructive than a whole shelf of theology books.  Look not so much at the nails and physical wounds.  Few of us will be called to that type of sacrifice. And besides, that type of suffering ends after a few hours.  No, the most potent instruction I learn from this image is in the outstretched arms and open hands.  An icon of surrender, openness and ultimate 'letting go'. . .   . . . This daily cross: Letting go of dreams, hopes and expectations that are no longer true.  Opening ourselves, reaching out to embrace the 'whole truth' rather than a comfortable part we like.  Letting go of control over others whether rooted in fear or anger or even love.  Opening our arms, minds and hearts in love, letting go of our preconceived ideas about certain people and types of people.  Even letting go of what we lose through the natural aging process.  Every Christian should expect to meet with a certain amount of hostility, disappointment, jealousy and even opposition from his sisters and brothers in the church.  When this occurs, the natural reaction is to be angry, to rebel and call down 'fire from heaven.'  Jesus teaches us otherwise.  Quiet strength, courage, openness, composure, self-control and, above all, love are the lessons He gives. . .    . . . The next time I find myself asking, 'Why me?'  I hope to be able to quickly turn the phrase to 'Why not me?I hope you can do the same.  It's part of the baffling call of God." 

This solicitation letter came in the middle of my adjustment to leaving 20 years in the insurance business behind, to step forth in faith to see what God has waiting for me.  You can probably see why it caught my attention. 

(My poem "Children of the Resurrection" was included as a part of this newsletter)

This is the first** SHARING which I have sent out.  If you have been a past member of the poet's circle, or were on the last mailing list which I had, you are receiving this along with the sheet entitled "What am I doing" and a donation card.  From here on out I will be building a new list from those who show an interest in remaining connected.  If you got onto my mailing list when I had a booth in Ledge Craft Lane, please be aware that I no longer have that booth, but do have some items still in consignment there.  Other SHARING's will be items of interest which I run across from time to time, or sometimes just my own thoughts. 

** That "first" Sharing ended above.  But, as it turns out, it was not the very first "Sharing."

Click on the logo to learn more.  This is the only link in the site to the Sharing 92-01 page.

(These excerpt pages include most of the text from each of the newsletters, but since these items were not  duplicated online originally, my poems, photographs, and other graphics have not been reproduced here)


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