Common Cherokee Cabin



"This building is an example of the common Cherokee home of the early 1800's. Hundreds of Cherokee homes, similar to this one, once stood throughout the Cherokee Nation. The average Cherokee family who would have lived in a cabin like this, consisted of six people. Most Cherokee farmsteads included several outbuildings. Corn cribs were the most common, but many farms also had potato houses, stables, smokehouses, etc. Fruit trees and a vegetable garden were usually near the house and the nearest bottomland field was used for growing corn. Historical records show that the John Rogers family lived on this site in the early 1830's."  (Description in the SGT brochure/map)



"John Rogers and his family lived on this location in the early 1830s. Rogers was a white man with a Cherokee wife. He was listed as ‘poor’ in a 1831 survey of white men living in the Cherokee Nation. The Rogers house was probably a small log cabin."  (Text from the above sign) 


Before removal had even taken place (1838-39), or the treaty of New Echota had been negotiated and signed (1835), the Cherokee Nation was divided into ten counties, surveyed and given away to white Georgia citizens in a land lottery in October 1832.  Like all of New Echota, this property too was given to whites in the Georgia land lottery (see the museum for additional information). 



A sign by the stable tells us, "This stable is different from the other log buildings you have seen today.  It is constructed of round logs rather than hewn logs.  Round logs were actually used more often than hewn logs by the Cherokees.  Round logs came from younger trees than hewn logs which were usually made from the heart wood of very old trees.  Most of the log structures in Georgia that have survived from the early 1800's are built of hewn logs." 


Here are some additional shots taken.  Notice the difference in the chimney construction between the cabin pictures from 2005 (above) and the similar 1998 (below left) and 2000 (below right) photos.  


OK, this was stop five, which puts us halfway through the nine stops on the grounds.  Were you remembering all this was before the removal took place?  According to the SGT brochure/map, to get to number six we need to "Proceed down the trail to the Worcester House."