Sharing 92-01

While updating these pre-website newsletter pages, I discovered, in my files, a single letter sized parchment paper, folded in half (to create four pages), titled "Sharing 92-01."  The coupon expired 12/31/92, the year 1993 is mentioned in the body of the letter, and since it begins with holiday wishes, I am guessing it was distributed sometime in November 1992.

I do not know if there were any others prior to October 1994 (when I left my career with State Farm to begin the T&SC journey).  a touch of william, the poet's circle, and even christian life programs, all predate that departure.  I created the poet's circle sometime in the late 1980s while at Ledge Craft Lane (a history link appears on the membership page). 

tpc was started for volunteers helping at a LCL booth I had.  You can see from the text, by 1992 it had evolved, with some aspects of the future T&SC already developing.  I share it here, as a way of showing the roundabout ways and humble beginnings which got us here.


Happy Thanksgiving!
 Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!


by william

I hope that about covers it.  Of course, I might want to throw in a Happy Easter, since it normally is difficult to find some time to put a communication together.  That could change at any time though, if we happen to find a volunteer or two interested in membership by working on a somewhat regular newsletter. 

There are not enough ways to say thank you to all those who already support a touch of william/the quiet corner by their volunteer efforts or through a paid membership in the poet's circle. 

a touch of william is no longer in the homeless shelter business.  Eaton Shelter had some problems in Charlotte, which caused them to close for a while and restructure their program.  They decided not to have units in Grand Ledge any longer, so they discontinued our relationship. 

christian life programs has been filed in Eaton County as a dba (doing business as) for a touch of william.  We will offer our resources, such as our library, for use to local churches sometime in 1993. 

Do not forget that any poet's circle member has free use of our library materials.  You may stop by during normal business hours (9:00-12:30 and 1:30-5:30 weekdays) show your membership card then take a look (417 S Bridge St).  We have a number of very interesting videos and tapes, as well as books relating to nature, spirit, expression. 

SHARING is being sent to non-members on our mailing list as a way of possible introduction to the poet's circle.  I have also included an extra copy for you to share with a friend.  Their discount is not quite as good as yours, but that is part of what being a member is all about. 

 (My poems "The Miracle Of Love" and "Do I Have Something To Say"
were included as a part of the 92-01 newsletter)


"Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves,
for they shall never cease to be amused."

- Heart Warmers Calendar


There are a number of volunteer possibilities for those who desire to be a part of the poet's circle by sharing their time and talents.  Is one of the following for you?

  1. the quiet corner. Working a half day shift per month at Ledge Craft Lane saves $20 per day, for each day totally covered. 

  2. tpc Newsletter. Looking for someone who can work on our computer in word processing to periodically do a newsletter similar to this in format.  Additionally, someone to fold, run address labels, stuff envelopes, and mail newsletters (currently less than 50 mailed). 

  3. Food pantry.  Need someone to periodically make trips to a grocery store to buy items for the food pantry.  Does not require personal purchase, money is provided. 

  4. Several other possibilities include helping with the library, cleaning the studio-gallery, delivering our past issues of magazines to other organizations, etc. 

If you are interested (or someone you know might be) in helping us in one of these various areas of involvement, please contact william, or Sharon, at 627-7366. 

(These excerpt pages include most of the text from each of the newsletters, but since these items were not duplicated online originally, my poems, photographs, and other graphics have not been reproduced here)


Newsletter Index   Sharing #001 1995