picture number > D050 110725 1298
date taken > July 25, 2011
location > Eaton County, Michigan
original dimensions > 2048 x 1536
original file size > 1.15 MB
1600 x 1200 file size > 549 KB
comments >

Last week was the harvest. This week it is some of the beneficiaries of the harvest. It has only been in the last couple of decades that my wife and I have seen a return of Sandhill Cranes to our area. Now there is an area on their migration route just south of us where they stop overnight. A local festival has a great deal of information about them. 

Photo tip: This image was taken with my Canon PowerShot S2 IS older camera. The overall pixel size is smaller than the photos from my Fujifilm. That can influence the quality of a picture. Like last week, part of the reason for selecting this shot is the blatant application of the rule of thirds that the lines in the field created horizontally. The choice was between those and the birds whose position I used to determine things vertically. The shaded areas at the top of the image do not create enough contrast to require any special consideration. 

viewing notes >

If your screen resolution is 800x600 pixels (as I use), you should be able to get a better view by pressing the F11 key on your keyboard. Pressing the F11 key a second time returns your screen to normal. 



Occasionally, after uploading the new picture of the week, I must click on the refresh button in order to get the new image to appear on my screen. If you still see the image from last week after Thursday, try clicking your refresh button on your screen (it looks like the symbol at left), or F5 on your keyboard. 


This william's picture of the week page had been under consideration for a while when I finally decided to put it together. As I was working with my images, and one would strike my fancy, I often knew it could be a long time before the photo might make it into one of my website pages, if ever, and from those moments the idea for this page was born. One of my concerns, which delayed doing this page, was the need to update it regularly. Traveling out of town, or just getting busy with other demands, can become an issue which prevents me from having time for my website work. So, the term "of the week" is used loosely. I will endeavor to make it so, but at times, a picture could run for as many as three weeks. I have chosen Thursday as the usual day of the week photos will change because it is rarely a travel day for me. Your best bet would be to add this page to your favorites, so you can easily check. And please, share the link with your friends and family. For sheer lack of time, I do not place my photography anywhere else on the Internet. 

Each time a change is made, the new picture will be uploaded with the same "WOW" file name as the previous image. The net result is that the older one is replaced and gone (note: you will need to change the file names if you wish to save more than one). These two pages are the only spot in the entire wsharing site where I use image files that are this large (except the single 724 x 543 image on the last page). Normally I reduce dimensions and quality levels until pictures are around 50 KB or less, to allow pages to open quickly (including backgrounds where I often trade quality for dimensions). These larger photos will not be archived on this site (see the Scrapbook Photos index for pages with smaller versions of past images used). 

The pictures on this page will not always be my very best work. Like with everybody else, the mood of the moment will influence my choices, so explore the rest of the site. There is a lot here to see. You are free to use these photos for personal non-commercial purposes. Usually a size large enough for use as a desktop image, greeting card, or even basic prints, will be available. Get creative . . . use your imagination.  Enjoy! 

To copy the above photo just right click on the image and select the "save picture as" option. If the original was large enough, there is also a 1600 x 1200 pixel version accessible using the link below. If you have a need for the original size (if larger) you must email me and request it. If you display my work elsewhere please be sure to acknowledge it as "courtesy of www.wsharing.com."  click here for details 

a touch of william   WOW 1600   Scrapbook Photos