The lending library began
simply with the materials william was reading, or using, in his own journey.
did not see any logic in sticking them away in a closet, or placing them
on a shelf never to be referred to again. It now has hundreds of
materials relating to the entire array of aspects of the Teaching &
Sharing Centers corporation and a touch of william ministries;
including, more Christian "walk" books than the local public library.
But books are not the only things. Videos, audio cassettes, and
CDs also line the shelves. Scripture, Photography, Native American, and in
particular, Cherokee reference materials have special individual sections
(note: due to space limitations, Cherokee reference materials are now
located upstairs in the CBTC area). And, while the Center is
primarily focused on working with adults, there is a children's materials
area with a variety of videos and books just for them. Many of these
materials would be good resources for those who are home schooling.
There is no cost to utilize the lending library on site or to borrow
items. You do, however, need to be a member of the Teaching &
Sharing Centers, or be on the poet's circle mailing list to check items
out. |