wsharing - links - Michigan Living History Encounters - history - reenacting |
For a number of years the Teaching & Sharing Centers helped to make the voyageur encampment, which had been a part of Fall Color Cruise & Island Festival in Grand Ledge since 1990, happen. When others decided to cease their participation in the event in 2005, Kenn Kuester became the driving force to continue the encampment with the T&SC taking the lead role by forming Michigan Living History Encampment as a DBA of the non-profit organization. The name eventually was changed to Michigan Living History Encounters when it was decided to expand beyond the fur trader period into the 1800s, and MLHE became its own branch within the T&SC. American Living History Encounters was added as a DBA after several years to allow for expansion beyond Michigan history. The asterisk* on this page indicates places, or events, I liked enough to visit more than once. |
Michigan Living History Founded by Kenn Kuester (pictured), American Living History |
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3rd Michigan Infantry 12th South Carolina/4th Michigan 15th Michigan Volunteer Infantry, Company B 102nd United States Colored Troop, Company B Brief Time Line History of the
Fur Trade Cades Cove Preservation Association Christian Heritage of America Daughters of the American Revolution |
[The] Kings 8th Regiment - Detroit 1768-1785 Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation Mackinac Associates Mackinac State Historic Parks Blog Michigan Living History Encounters Michigan Society of Professional Surveyors Robinson's Battery Sons of the American Revolution Star Spangled Banner As You've Never Heard It United Daughters of the Confederacy |
American Civil War Then And Now Cades Cove map prior to National Park Fur Trade Role in Western Expansion |
[The] Theology of Secession Townsends YouTube Channel Videos War Conspiracy of 1861 |
[The] American Civil War Civil War Archive [The] Civil War Home Page Civil War Soldiers and Sailors Civil War Trust Girandoni Air Rifle (used by Lewis and Clark) History of the Great Lakes States Lakeshore Museum Center Library of Congress American Memory Library of Congress Civil War Library of Congress Civil War Maps Library of Congress Digital Collections |
Library of Congress National Union Catalog Library of Congress US Civil War Library of Congress US Civil War Library of Virginia List of state Archives and Historical Societies Michigan Civil War Events New Estimate Raises Civil War death Toll NSCC Antique Map Collection United States Civil War 1861 to 1865 [The] USGenWeb Project |
Reviewed 01/02/18 |