Past Pictures of the Week from 2019


There were no weeks in 2019 where I ran the same picture again because I was not available to access the Internet and switch them. So, I used a total of 52 different pictures in 2019. Toward the end of the year, I started looking for pictures taken the same month and day as the upload date. This sometimes involved doing a search in my computer, but allowed for a greater variety than what I have set aside as possible choices in a special Picture of the Week folder. As always, you can wait until the end of each year, and view them all at once, but these are substantially reduced in size for easy loading here. Remember, you can view, and even copy, larger versions each week by visiting the Picture of the Week page regularly. 



Previous year: 2018

Next year: 2020


a touch of william   Picture of the Week   Scrapbook Photos