"Short History of
Raven Hill Discovery Center"
"Raven Hill Discovery Center, 2005
Crooked Tree Arts Center eddi Award recipient for Arts and Cultural
Organizations, was established in 1992 as a regional science and
technology center. Raven Hill is a 501 (C) (3) organization. It is
located on 157 acres adjacent to Little Traverse Conservancy’s Raven Ridge
Nature Preserve. It is also a cultural, historical and art center.
The overall goal of the Center is to build lifelong connections for
children and adults that link science, history and the arts in a hands-on
learning environment. Over the past fifteen years Raven Hill
Discovery Center has had more than 130,000 visitors experience science and
technology, history and the arts through hands-on exhibits and displays.
Indoors, visitors can explore museum exhibits like a wellness center,
walk-in kaleidoscope, musical instruments, generator bike, magnet table,
loom, gyro cycle, old-fashioned games, laser and plasma lamp, motion
displays, as well as many displays and collections of science, history and
art. In addition, the animal room is full of live animals, including
snakes, lizards, turtles, and spiders. Out-buildings include a Time
Tunnel, Print Shop, Work Shop, Raven Hill Schoolhouse and Tree House, plus
a Taxonomic (Taxi) Trail, Energy House, caboose and forge that are in
various stages of completion or restoration. Outdoor exhibits range
from the new Earth Tones Music Garden, the medicinal and turtle gardens,
Exploring Beyond Jurassic Park, The Ancient World, labyrinth, wetlands
boardwalk, the Taxonomic (Taxi) Trail and a half-acre pond. Programs
include professional development workshops for teachers and graduate
classes through Central Michigan University, school field trips, scout
activities, summer day camp, adult enrichment classes and family days.
The museum is also open to the general public. In addition, there have
been over 75,000 contact hours with teachers and students in area
classrooms [over] the years as a result of Raven Hill’s Outreach Program.
Raven Hill is unique in northern Michigan. It draws regularly from a
twelve county area during the school year and from across the United
States and the world during the summer tourist season. The Center is
open year-round to the public, individuals, groups, and organizations."